Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Venus of Willendorf

This sculpture is titled Venus of Willendorf. This piece of work dates back to approximately 24,000 – 22,000 BC but was not found until 1908 by Johann Veran. The sculpture was found in an excavation site near Willendorf, Austria. The materials the sculpture is made of, oolithic limestone and red ochre, is not from the area the sculpture was found, therefore, it is believed to be from a different region originally. What I find most interesting is that the sculpture reflects the time period it is from. A woman who is overweight and fertile was desirable at the time to the hunter-gathers who most likely created this sculpture. I find it interesting that the values, desires, and standards of a society are often reflected in its artwork. A lot can be learned about a culture, a society, a person, etc. through its/his/her artwork. 

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