Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chuck Close and Scott Blake

This is an acrylic painting by Chuck Close called Nancy that was painted in 1968. He is known for his large scale, Photorealist artwork that is painted through a grid system. When he was younger, he suffered from dyslexia and facial blindness; he also suffered from damage to his anterior spinal artery which has left him paralyzed and in a wheelchair. The reason why I chose this painting is because I thought it was interesting that he painted the eyes crossed eye and the teeth in the front are crooked.

Scott Blake is an artist who creates portraits using barcodes. He uses barcodes that way people can interact with his art by scanning the codes with their phone.This particular portrait of Oprah is created from ISBN barcodes from her book club. I like how he is able to find and use certain barcodes to show the details in the face.

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