Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chuck Close: Self Portrait ll, 2016 - Scott Blake: Oprah Winfrey

Chuck Close is an American artist. He is most known for his large scale portraits. He contructs his paintings through a grid system. Chuck Close struggled with dyslexia and facial blindness all throughout his life. He also became paralyzed and wheelchair bound later in life. I think it is amazing that he was able to adapt to his new disabilies and still find a way to create such amazing artwork.

Scott Blake is an American artist. He has a similar style of artwork to Chuck Close. He primarlily uses barcodes to create his portraits. His barcode artwork quickly became an internet meme. Blake had an altercation with Close because Close claimed Blake was stealing his artwork. I think it is great that Blake is able to continue to create the artwork he wants in his own unique way. 

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