Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chuck Close and Scott Blake

John, 1971-1972 (Photo By Robert McKeever, courtesy Broad Art Foundation)

Chuck Close is an American painter, artist, and photographer. He specializes in massive-scale photorealism. He is also known for his many abstract self-portraits. This painting in particular is titled "John." It is a 100 x 90 in work that was completed in 1972, it was one of his first paintings. It was completed using acrylic on canvas. I really like this painting because the attention to detail is beautiful, it looks like a photograph. All of the different colors in John's hair and each individual hair was painted flawlessly.

Scott Blake is an artist who is known for creating artworks out of barcodes. Although this is not a barcode piece, I really like it because it was done in the gridlike style of Chuck Close. I really love the detail in the hair and the patterned abstract in the background. This painting has a lot going on but Blake still managed to keep it cohesive.

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