Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chuck Close and Scott Blake

Chuck Close was born July 5, 1940, today he is 79 years old and a well-known painter. Chuck Close is well known for his style consisting of individually painted squares that when looked at up-close look like random colored squares and then from afar they come together to create a whole photo. Most commonly Chuck Close creates portraits using this style such as the self-portrait depicted above.

Scott Blake was born on October 20, 1976, today is 43 years old and is a well-known artist. Scott Blake is most well known for his use of barcode art, a popular trend in art that uses barcodes to create an image. This technique is similar to Chuck Close as up close the image would look only like a jumble of barcodes but take a step back and one can see that it is, in fact, an image. The above work of art is an image of the famous woman Marilin Monrow.

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