Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chuck Close and Scott Blake

Scott Blake also known for creating portraits. However, he uses barcodes and people can even interact with these barcodes. For example, Barcode Bruce Lee portraits has interactive barcodes. When scanning one you will be taken to a short fight clip from any movie.  It was created in 2007 through photoshop. A reason I liked this portrait was that the barcodes are arranged in a zig-zag pattern. Blake states that the barcodes arranged in such way “to break focus like a shockwave from a punch”

Chuck Close is a painter, artist, and photographer. Making large photorealist portraits that are created through a grid system. His portraits are unique and interesting because of the pixelated effect in which he paints each square individually. Looking through his works I really liked Cecily,2012 because you can make out it’s a female even though her features are not clear cut. Also, I like the use of similar colors to create this portrait. 

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