Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Camille Pissarro--A Path in the Woods, Pontoise

Jacob-Abraham-Camille Pissarro was born in St. Thomas and lived in various places during his life. He studied under and was influenced by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot. Many of his early paintings were destroyed in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. His artwork is Impressionist, mostly landscapes. This painting is titled, A Path in the Woods, an oil on canvas painted in 1879. What drew me to this painting of his was how familiar it was to me. It looks as if I am walking in the woods in upstate New York. It is not a scene so different from what you could see in daily life. I like how at quick glance, it looks like a mess of color, but if you keep looking at it, you can see all of the details. In 1885-1890, Pissarro experimented with Neo-Impressionist ideas, but called it "romantic Impressionism" and called Pointillism "scientific Impressionism." He returned to painting pure Impressionism. He died in November 1903.

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