Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Houses of Parliament- Monet

The "Houses of Parliament" was a series painted by Claude Monet. The series has 19 known paintings, all painted from the same perspective using oil paints. These artworks were done while Monet was in the St. Thomas Hospital, in London. The view of the Parliament buildings is the one he saw from his room. All of the 19 paintings were done at different times of day and in differing weather conditions. This particular painting is something of the baseline of the collection, as it has no name other than "Houses of Parliament, London," while some of the others have titles such as "Houses of Parliament in the Fog." The muted pastel tones and hazy outlines of the buildings lend an ethereal feeling to the painting. Monet's use of color is awe-inspiring- I almost can't believe what I'm seeing when I look at his paintings.

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