Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bathsheba at her Bath: Rembrant

This is Bathsheba at her bath by Rembrant, created in 1684. It is currently held in the Louvre Museum and is made of Oil Paint on Canvas. In the painting a elderly woman is washing the feet of Bathsheba, who is holding a letter from King David. King David had seen her bathing and falls in love with her and sends her a letter before killing her husband in battle. I enjoy this painting and believe it to be from the perspective of King David who views Bathsheba in a lustful manner, thus why Bathsheba is the focus and most tinted piece in the painting while the background is full of shadows such as the elderly handmaid. Bathsheba is painted with sexual energy but also a sadness casted on her face giving away the mixed emotions surrounding her situation.

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