Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Rembrandt - Christ on the Cross

Rembrandt created Christ on the Cross in 1631. Rembrandt is known for his realism. Many of his painting are portraits known for the subject’s facial expression and the emotion conveyed. Rembrandt is also known for his use of light and shade. Much of Rembrandt’s work is biblically based. I chose this painting, which is oil on canvas mounted on a panel, because of the uniqueness of it. Many artists have created this image of Jesus’ crucifixion and almost everyone has seen this scene depicted. However, this rendition of it is definitely unique to me, and it is because Rembrandt’s distinctive style is evident. The expression on Christ’s face is unlike any I have seen depicted before; it shows agony and determination as He looks up towards the heavens. Rembrandt’s use of light is also very strong in this painting. Jesus seems to have a spotlight on Him creating stark contrast to the black abyss behind Him.

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