Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Family of saltimbanques

Picasso's rose period lasted from 1904-1906 and was a change from his previous blue period. He started to use lighter colors like reds, orange and pinks, instead of dark blues. This signifies that he was lifted from his depression a little and was feeling happier, partly due to the fact that he moved to Paris full time and met Fernande Olivier who he started a relationship with. During the rose period Picasso also became intrigued with circus performers and Harlequins, and they became the object of many of his paintings. Picasso felt a connection to the performers because they were unrecognized and unappreciated artists. He would sometimes insert himself into the painting, it is said that he is the harlequin on the left of this painting, and that the little girl is his deceased sister. It is also believed that the woman on the left is Fernande Olivier. Also, during Picasso's rose period he started to develop his stylistic means that would contribute to him becoming such an important artist of the 20th  century.

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